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Uncategorized | October 20, 2009

The Janka Hardness Scale

janka_testThe Janka scale rates the relative hardness of wood. We have listed some of the most popular choices in wood flooring and included some more exotic species for your reference and comparison.

The higher the number, the harder the wood. These ratings were determined using the Janka Hardness Test which measures the side hardness measure of the force required to embed a .444 inch steel ball to half its diameter into the wood. This is one of the best measures of the ability of wood species to withstand denting and wear. It is also a good indicator of how hard a species is to saw or nail.

This should only be used as a general guide when comparing various species of wood flooring. Depending on where the wood is harvested the results may vary. Plank construction and finish are also important factors when determining the durability and ease of maintenance of any wood floor.

JANKA RATING – WOOD SPECIES (Hardest to Softest)

3684	Brazilian Walnut /Ipe
2345	Mesquite
1820	Hickory and Pecan
1450	Hard / Sugar Maple
1360	White Oak
1320	White Ash
1300	American Beech
1290	Northern Red Oak
1260	Yellow Birch
1225	Yellow Heart Pine
1010	American Walnut
1000	Teak
950	American  Cherry
900	Cedar
870	Southern Yellow Pine (Longleaf)
860	American Red Elm
770	Sycamore
690	S.Yellow Pine (Loblolly & Shortleaf)
660	Douglas Fir
540	Chestnut
540	Poplar
380	Eastern White Pine
Uncategorized | January 19, 2009

Is Bamboo Flooring Really Green?

bamboo-flooringBamboo flooring is becoming more popular as a sustainable and “green” alternative to wood materials. Is bamboo better? Treehugger.com explains:

Tipster Brad installed a bamboo floor and says “The environmental benefits are great, but the flooring itself is awful”. We have had mixed experiences with it ourselves and decided to look more closely.

Before we look at the environmental issues, let’s look at its utility- is it all it is cracked up to be? One of the major benefits touted by vendors is how hard and tough it is. It’s Not.

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Products | January 15, 2009

2009 Product Line

New Kiln Dried Eastern White Pine Timbers milled to your specifications

New Kiln Dried Douglas Fir Timbers – #1 and Select Grades. KD Southern Yellow Pine also available at very competitive pricing.

Factory milled decorative cuts and finishes are available on Kiln Dried Products
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Uncategorized | January 12, 2009

Top Ten Reasons to Use Our Antique Wood Mouldings

Antique wood has many advantages over traditional building materials. Check out our list of reasons to consider antique timbers for your next project! Read the rest here »

Uncategorized | January 7, 2009

Why Consider Antique Wood?


Ageless Beauty

Wood has always been a popular building material for the simple reason that its beauty adapts to time and changing styles and tastes. The buildings from which we get our reclaimed wood may have outlived their usefulness, but the wood is ready to serve for another 100 years. Antique reclaimed flooring and paneling have an ageless look like no other. Read the rest here »

Products | September 11, 2008

Sustainably Harvested Hardwood Flooring

Wood Flooring

Hardwood Flooring

Available in black walnut, cherry, red oak, white oak, and maple varieties. Available in character grades as well as select.

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Call Now to Get Started!

New & Antique Architectural Wood Materials

Daniel (210) 385-4926

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